Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quilting During Cabin Fever

Artistic Outlets come in many forms. Sewing straight lines are easy. Putting a puzzle together is fun. Creating a beautiful masterpiece is rewarding. You can have all this during the season of "cabin fever". Indianapolis got 12.5 inches of snow today. It was the 3rd largest snow fall in recorded history for Indianapolis. I stayed inside and quilted.

Jinny Beyer is one of my favorite fabric designers. The texture printed on her fabrics really catch the eye. The color blends are very pleasing too.

I have gone to The 18th Annual Indiana Heritage Quilt Show for over 10 years. This quilt show makes a fun retreat because it offers quilting classes along with prize winning quilts on display.

There are eBooks available to help you learn new techniques like The Essential Guide to Quilting. I think I have so many unfinished projects because I like to learn the technique and move on to the next project.

Vintage Quilt Patterns are an easy place to start. Quilting is good therapy too. You cut for awhile. You sew for awhile. When it all comes together you get to say - I Did It!!

So enjoy those winter months making a nice blankie for next year and keep your mind and your hands busy during cabin fever season.

Traveling the Caribbean

Cruising the Caribbean is an exciting adventure. Sailing classes to learn how to be your own captain are available through the Offshore Sailing School. A book used in the school is Steve Colgate on Cruising. It teaches the “Hows and Whys of Bare boat Chartering and Cruising on your own”. The class offers a few hours of classroom time in the evening. The daytime is filled with cruising the beautiful waters and feeling the wonderful breeze on your face.

After taking the class with The Offshore Sailing School the next step is to sail the British Virgin Islands. The Moorings is a charter company based in Roadtown on Tortola. The Moorings offers catamarans and single hull vessels. My husband and I enjoyed our 3 trips cruising the beautiful Caribbean blue waters and taking pictures of the engaging sunsets.

They called me the sunset supervisor.

Treat yourself to checking off one of those 50 things to do before you die.